Another painting!

I managed to finish a painting that I started a while ago today! Well I did not do much else to it to be honest as I thought that it looks fine as it is! For this piece I used my glue gun drawings as the subject. I started by taking direct influence from Keith Vaughan’s artwork by painting coloured blocks to highlight the shapes within the human figure. I then overlaid these blocks with the actual glue gun drawings. I also painted a larger image of one of the glue gun drawings in black. Then today I poured some wax over some parts, outlining parts of the drawing and also making the piece seem a bit more interesting.

Using wire sculptures

Earlier today I started to think about what was said in my tutorial about capturing the negative space of my wire sculptures. I started by attempting to flick paint through one of my sculptures, but unfortunately this really did not work! I also tried using a sponge to do this but likewise it was not that effective. I then just picked up a paint brush and painted through the gaps. This worked reasonably well and so I did this a number of times. I do think that I possibly need to do something with this painting though instead of just having it by itself.

When doing my painting I thought about making some rubbings of my wire sculptures. I thought that this would be quite interesting and after doing so I am happy with the outcome. There seems to be a lot of movement within this rubbing and it has encouraged me to revert back to an old idea that I had about making some wire sculptures of a moving figure.

Painting inspired by Cubism

This is a painting that I created inspired by Cubism last week. I have used acrylic and wax on a canvas board. The subject of this piece was the shadows from my glue gun drawings. I love the indeterminate nature of it as it is completely different from anything I have every painted before. I arranged the shadows so that I have left some clues as to what the subject is, but on the whole it is quite unclear. Although I think that these unclear parts are probably the most interesting, I think that I will continue to leave some sort of identity within my art for this project as otherwise I would just be painting patterns!

Drawing/painting from glue gun drawings!

Last week I started to draw and paint from the shadows created from my hanging glue gun drawings. I have found this really fun to do! I am quite excited at the moment as before this, I had not done much abstract art work. I love all of the shapes and patterns that the shadows cast and how the different shades of the shadows create depth.